a place for you to become your best Self


The Hot Yoga Chapel are specialist Hot Yoga studios offering classic hot yoga classes in beautiful and unique Grade 2 listed buildings. Our state-of-the-art heating and experienced and inspiring teachers provide empowering hot yoga classes in a stunning environment where students can feel supported and guided on their healing journey towards happier, healthier, more radiant lives.


Practicing yoga in a heated room supports deep stretching but also assists in the detoxification of the body through sweating and lymphatic movement. The heat allows increased blood flow to the muscles improving circulation and boosting the feel good benefits of the yoga postures.  Of course, the heat also allows for a deeper stretch so you can improve your flexibility quicker. Improved flexibility is important because it improves posture and the ability to move as well as reducing the risk of injury and improving muscular weakness.

Hot Yoga creates strong and flexible bodies and minds.

The Community

We believe all students are equal and welcome everyone - we are proud of our diverse community of students from all backgrounds, ethnicities and genders and support the LGBTQ community.
At THYC everyone is a yogi.


  • The Original Hot Yoga.

    A fixed series of 26 postures and two breathing exercises (26+2) The series of postures work every joint, muscle, ligament, tendon, organ, system & cell of the body to maintain optimum health and help heal bodies and minds. Practiced in a heated room of 40-42 degrees and 40% humidity.

  • 26+2 but not how you know it!

    Our very own brand class Hot Chapel Flow is a set sequence flow class which has been designed to incorporate our favourite 26+2 postures from the Original Hot Yoga class built into a fun, dynamic and accessible flow class.

    Heated to 33-35 degrees

  • Hot Rocket Yoga is a dynamic and energetic style of yoga that combines elements of traditional Rocket Yoga with the intensity and heat of a hot yoga practice. It is known for its fast-paced sequences, strength-building postures, and invigorating flow. In Hot Rocket Yoga, practitioners move through a series of challenging asanas and transitions, focusing on building strength, flexibility, and balance.

    The practice often incorporates arm balances, inversions, and deep stretches to challenge the body and mind. Hot Rocket Yoga is suitable for practitioners of all levels, although some prior experience with yoga is beneficial due to the intensity of the practice.

    Hot Rocket Yoga provides a challenging and invigorating practice, the added intensity of heat, creating a unique and rewarding experience for practitioners.

  • Vinyasa is a flow based class where the postures flow into one another in connection with the breath.

    This class usually includes seated meditation, sun salutations, dynamic movement, asana (posture) practice and introductions to yoga philosophy.

    Heated to 33-35 degrees.

  • Indulge in the slow, calm & mindful practice of yin yoga. Yin yoga works deeply into our body with passive, longer-held poses designed to release deep-held tension from the body & mind. Reduces stress and anxiety, improves sleep, increases circulation and improves joint mobility. Gently heated to around 30 degrees.

  • A dreamy yin/yang experience of Hot Yoga.

    The class begins with 60 mins of Original Hot Yoga practiced to music, followed by 30 mins wind down with deep Yin Stretches and a short Yoga Nidra relaxation at the end.

    Designed to balance the yin and yang within and ease you into your weekend!

    Experience practicing the Original Hot Yoga sequence (26+2) to music. Less dialogue, more connection to breath and each other.

    As we move together through the postures in this way it gives us a chance to experience 26+2 in a completely different way.

    Practicing the postures we know and love in a different experience allows us to break our habitual thinking, reframe our thinking and enjoy being in more of a flow state.

    The music adds a different dynamic and atmosphere to the class.

  • Hot Chapel HIIT is a fun, dynamic and high energy work-out class. Expect to work hard, sweat and have fun whilst building amazing strength and stamina!

    The high energy, pumping music, lighting and motivational teachers make working out fun!

    Hot Chapel HIIT uses high intensity interval training (HIIT) combined with Pilates and yoga principles and is specifically designed to compliment Original Hot Yoga.

    It’s high intensity, low impact. You'll create long, lean muscle and burn fat in this full body, effective workout.

    Heated to around 35 degrees.

  • Hot Pilates is a low impact, full-body strengthening class that improves posture and core strength.

    Done in the heat you will really feel the burn!! This is a full body workout!

    Think small movements, high repetitions and a real strengthening burn, so you stand taller, move better and feel firmer, in whatever ‘everyday’ life looks like for you.

    Consider Pilates a skill... the fine tuning you didn’t know you needed for your everyday life - the outcome being a balanced, supple body, less injuries, improved core strength and better alignment with for life.

    Welcome a more balanced, stronger, supple, and aligned body *and* stave off injuries! See you on the mat.

  • A super special class incorporating elements of yoga philosophy, meditation, pranayama, vinyasa, embodied flow, yin and deep rest - a full rounded practice.

    Sunday Service has become a students favourite, it intertwines teachings from different lineages and is a chance to explore more embodied movement, somatics, free flow and develop your own practice. Each class weaves in a different theme or a teaching and therefore is very different every time.

“Really authentic session with such a lovely instructor. The converted chapel adds to the charm of the session and all the fellow students are so lovely and welcoming!! Definitely will be back!”

Dharshana Sundar